Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Little on Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is certainly not a topic anyone wishes to discuss and yet it is something we must be informed about. Why, well because if it is caught early, it's almost always treatable and because when it is not, it can get extremely serious. Reported cases of Colon Cancer are more common these days and some say this is because the word is getting out to folks that after age 40 they need to have routine check-ups every five years. Others say it is because of our societies deteriorating diet.

Indeed, scientists are not exactly agreed on what causes colon cancer, but they are convinced by the statistics on how to prevent it through proper diet. So what should you eat? Well, consider this folks with low in fiber diets who eat a lot of meat, fatty foods, carbs and highly refined foods are much more likely in getting colon cancer. So, chill-out on the fatty foods, do not eat all meat and add fiber to your diet, this greatly reduces your risks.

Those in the highest risk of getting colon cancer is amongst folks whose family has a history of polyps or cancer of the colon or rectum. If your family has such a history be sure to start your routine check-ups at age 40 and notify your doctor of this concern. Folks living in the United States and Europe have much greater statistics for getting colon cancer, and Africans and folks from Chile have the lowest.

Here is the good news, 50% of those who have been treated for colon cancer are still alive 10 years later, and this is very good considering that usually only folks over 40 will have colon cancer. Please be thinking here and ask your doctor about it.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to Avert Colon Cancer

Unhygienic cologne makes a huge impact on human body. There are lots of supplementary diseases attached with it. People can also get attract to colon cancer which can be deadly if proper precautions are not carried out or performed.

Colon cancer can be prevented if it is detected in its early stages. There are many medical treatments available for prevention of colon cancer for e.g. sigmoidoscopy and many others which are highly costly and every one cannot afford such medical expenses. Except medical treatment people can also practice many other things which can help to lower the hazard of colon cancer. Some of the things which people can follow are as follows:

Smoking is injurious to health and the ill-effects of smoking on human body are known by every one. Smoking plays a very important role in causing lung cancer. But in many cases excessive smoking can lead to colon cancer. If smoking is quited forever there are favorable chances of averting colon cancer.

People should keep a habit of working out daily or exercise daily as it would help them to clean out the accumulated waste in the colon and will help the person feel fit and energized.

People are used to eat junk foods everyday. This can have a bad impact on health of any person. Hence people should avoid junk foods and start eating vegetable and fruits everyday.

Obesity can also be very harmful. People should adopt methods which can be helpful to reduce their weight.

In short a fit body can help people to fight any diseases.

George Christodoulou,

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